Preparing for a market really is just a matter of making sure that you are ready to show off your goods and services to their best advantage. Obviously you need to ensure that any stock required will be available in good time for the market. You may want to cellophane or package items to protect them or display them more attractively. You should think about how you intend to display items and whether you have the necessary stands or baskets etc. You might find it useful to practice your display and take a photograph which you can then use to recreate it - useful for a quick set-up under time pressure.
Double check that you have all the contact information, timings, venue details and directions that you need.
What to take to events,
There are a number of things that are useful, if not essential to take along to markets e.g.
Own table if not provided
Tablecloth - often useful to have a spare in case of extra, large or
unusually-shaped table.
Cash tin, float and calculator.
Notepad, pens, bluetac, sticky tape, scissors.
Receipt pads and order forms if applicable.
Display equipment, baskets or stands.
Flask and refreshments.
Business cards.
Price signs.
Brochures or leaflets.
Canopy, gazebo, all weather protection.
Sunscreen and hat.
Chair if not provided.
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