
Monday, August 13, 2012

Take Your Market Business Seriously

I attended a market on the weekend. A new stall had set up. The product doesn't matter but it would require personal contact with potential buyers to sell it. Credibility I feel would be very important as the stallholder was asking buyers to believe the claims about the product without proof that it actually worked.
There were three people (2 girls and 1 guy) working in the stall. Product at the front and they sat at the back amusing themselves with laughter, dancing to a music player, neck massages. Why were they at the market? To amuse themselves or sell product. This was a premium market with a premium rent, they sold very little all day. What I'm saying is when selling your products at a market  treat your market business as a business or you will not succeed. 

1 comment:

  1. All too often I see many people with a product to sell at the markets have absolutely no clues on what they're supposed to be there for. They may have the next 'big idea' that could have legs given some thought on a little research on marketing and presentation. Instead, they loose an opportunity immediately by either being totally clueless on how to approach potential customers or completely indifferent as to what/why they're there in the first place.
